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Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Art Institute of Las Vegas Reviews: "Helpful" Students

I am not sure if this is just local to Las Vegas, but boy howdy do students around here not really care for each other nearly as much as they should.

As a film student, I generally had to check out many pieces of equipment - most of the time I didn't have a free hand to open doors.  It is very obvious that if I want to open a door, it won't be easy.  I have approached the school many times with my hands full of equipment - light kit, camera, lenses, microphone, etc. - and there would be students standing by the doors.  Those students very rarely opened the doors.  Some of them would make eye contact with me and still do nothing.

Why is this?  On a social guess, most of these students were younger students who were waiting on their ride to pick them up.  Is it a logical conclusion that those who don't have a responsibility to themselves feel no need to assist others?  Yet, it is an art school, and the students there weren't "normal" by society's definition.

Who knows? Maybe I was hated by the students and they just didn't want to help me.  Why they might hate a complete stranger I do not understand.

List of all the posts I have about my experiences at AILV

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