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Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Art Institute of Las Vegas Reviews: Email Communication

One thing I grew sick of hearing was instructors not responding to emails from students. 

It's pretty hit and miss when it comes to getting responses from email.  I heard instructors tell students that they've received emails from the students, but never responded to them for some reason.  I've heard it from students in a lot of classes I have been in, and I have been a victim of it many times as well.

I've even had instructors say that if they don't respond to an email to email them again.  That's hilarious.  There were plenty of times when instructors claimed they sent an email to the entire class, but no one got the email. 

However, any one above instructor status (i.e. academic directors) have always been prompt in responding to emails.  This seems to be an instructor-only issue.

I like email for the "paper" trail.  You can have a conversation all day, but that conversation can always end up as a "He said, she said" ordeal.  Emails leave almost no question as to what was said - only downside is it may be misunderstood more easily than in person.

List of all the posts I have about my experiences at AILV

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