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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

"My boyfriend..." The Rose Fatale Answers a Squishy Question!

Oh man.  Are you a lady who has a boyfriend who tends to "mark his territory" by using your body?  Perhaps The Rose Fatale has an answer for your problem!

The Rose Fatale is a Dating Advice show that airs every day at 8 P.M. EST / 5 P.M. PST every weekday on YouTube!  You can ask your questions in the comments or tweet to him on twitter @TheRoseFatale!

And make sure to subscribe to the channel while you are at it!

Workplace Romance - The Rose Fatale

Are you in desperate need for some dating advice?  Look no further than The Rose Fatale!  He is more than willing to answer any dating questions you have.


How I would moderate a presidential debate

Whether they are Republican, Democrat, or Other, I would moderate the presidential debate very in depth.  Could you imagine if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton would have actually had to answer questions?

Let's get someone to moderate that wouldn't stand for any presidential candidate Bull Snap!

1.  You want to interrupt a fellow debater? You better be ready for an air horn!  And if that doesn't stop you, you better be ready to be kicked off the stage!

2.  No repeating things from previous debates.  EMAILS? no! RACIST? no!


4.  Lengthy answers.  5 to 10 minutes.  A candidate must know their position on an answer, and then be able to talk just as long as his/her plan. 

Yeah, this might cause for a more boring debate, but then Americans can't claim ignorance when it comes to voting for candidates. 
