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Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Art Institute of Las Vegas: Exams

During my time at The Art Institute of Las Vegas, I have taken almost a few exams that were challenging.  What may have made these exams very difficult, however, was the fact that every other exam at the school before, during, and after those classes was really easy.

(One of my 100% exams - blurred out most of it so you can see it's a test from school and so I can't be accused of letting others cheat, haha)
There are a few things that make exams extremely easy:

1.  Sometimes, instructors would essentially give the answers to the exam right before taking the exam, if not the week prior.  This happened often in the Army, and I thought it wouldn't happen anywhere else.

2.  The exams given required no extensive study.  The vast majority of the exams I have taken were easy as pie.

3.  The exams had repeat questions from earlier classes and/or had 100 level course questions all the way up to 300 level courses.

4.  The majority of the exams were awfully short, filled with multiple choice & true and false, and maybe an essay tossed in here and there.  The MIDTERM above was only multiple choice 25 questions.

There are a handful of classes where I was the only one who got 100% on the exams or had the highest grade.  I never had to sit down and study or cram intensively for any of them either.  Research papers are often assigned as well, but I know I've had a couple instructors who haven't read some that I have turned in.

In one of my online classes, we had weekly quizzes.  My favorite thing about these open book quizzes is that they would ask questions over material we haven't even covered, so I would have to skip around the whole book trying to find the answers.  That made no sense to me.

If you like the idea of not having to study for the majority of your exams, then go right along and attend AILV or probably any AI.  Exams are essentially replaced with projects and/or presentations, but instructors, for the most part, are very, very, very easy when it comes to grading those.  As long as you turn something in, or at least try, you'll pass.

Either take the exams seriously, or don't have them at all.

List of all the posts I have about my experiences at AILV

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