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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Clark County Wetlands Park in Henderson, NV

Clark County Wetlands Park in Henderson, NV (east of Las Vegas)
On a whim today, I visited Clark County Wetlands Park.  I found it just searching around on Google Maps.  After I saw "Free" I took off in that direction!
When heading east down Tropicana, it's past Boulder Highway a bit (the last light you'll hit is on Steptoe).  There is a brown sign on the left.
There are two parking lots.  The first on the first left turn is small (holds maybe 12-15 cars), but it is a bit of a walk to anything.  There were no cars here when I went.
The visitor's center closes at 3pm (opens at 7 a.m.).  Perhaps that's why there were only a few cars here.  I spent about 2.5 hours wandering around and only saw 5 other people on a Saturday.  Not too shabby if you're looking to get away.
Since it was mid-day, the abundance of wildlife wasn't out and about.  There were some turtles, fish, various birds, rabbits, and something that sounded like it was giving birth (but never appeared).  Make sure you have pants/long sleeves if you plan to take the trails near the water - the bugs sure were hungry!

Also be sure to take water with you....
I put together a little video that I decided to make while I was there.  Not the best, but it'll give you a gist of what is there.  Shot with my Canon Powershot S110.  It's a point and shoot, so it's not the best, but it is still nice for what it's worth!

You can visit my Clark County Wetlands Park album on Photobucket if you'd like to see some more pictures not included in the video.  I have put some of my favorites below.

Completely random squirt gun on a path

A link to Amazon with the camera I used

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