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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Galaxy Theaters: Green Valley Luxury+ Vs. Regal Cinemas at Sunset Station Casino

When I first heard that a luxury theater was opening next to one of my favorite breweries, Barleys, boy howdy was I pumped.  Beer and a movie? Yes please!

No, do NOT stop the Luxury please!

In no way was I disappointed with the Galaxy Theater that opened in 2013.  The seats were AMAZING!  Fully reclining seats make sitting in the front row really quite bearable!  The only downside is that you can't go to a movie even just partially tired...you'll probably fall asleep!

One may think these huge seats would cost an arm and a leg.  At the time of this post, Tuesday tickets were $8.50 a pop, and general evening tickets were $13.50.  When I lived in NYC 7 years ago, a ticket was $14 for a regular seat in Manhattan, so the prices are amazing to me.

On top of the reclining seats, one could also order beer or wine in the theater to take in to the theater.  I have been to a couple other theaters that have this feature, so this wasn't that new, but it is always a plus!  Unfortunately, they have movie theater prices on the drinks, but to me, it is worth every penny for the recliners.  Support your local movie houses, dang you!!!

Regal Cinemas at Sunset Station
And then BLAM!  I'm driving home one day and I see a billboard for the Sunset Station.  They were advertising their luxury seats in the Regal Cinemas branch there!

I checked the prices and they were a whole $2.50 less than Galaxy - $6.00! 

Here is a completely unscientific and elementary produced chart on my take of the two theaters:

Seats:  Galaxy Theaters still has the better seats, complete with swiveling tables.
Prices:  Things tend to be a bit less, from tickets to snacks, at Regal Cinemas Sunset Station.
Snack Variety:  To be honest, I usually just get popcorn, drink, and maybe nachos.  However, Galaxy edges this out because they have free popcorn seasoning, whereas you must pay $1.50 for a tiny little bottle of the seasoning at Regal.  And boy howdy, do I love that seasoning!
Location:  One simple thing:  Beer.  Right next to Galaxy Theaters is Barley's Brewery and Casino.  Boy howdy, that happy hour is so bad ass. 
Rewards:  Another to be honest, I really don't pay attention here.  Free stuff is free stuff.  I know my Regal Rewards card gets me a large drink and popcorn at Regal for just over $10, and I get movie tickets a little more frequently there.
Screens:  I'm kind of dumb when it comes to screens.  It's much better than the TV I have at home, that's for sure.  I do like how Galaxy Theater Green Valley does not charge more for their DFX screen, which is much nicer, unless it is a 3D movie.

The final verdict comes down to how much I am willing to spend.  I will choose Galaxy if I am going to see a movie I think I will really enjoy and I don't mind spending a few extra bucks.  For all other movies, I will probably end up at Sunset Station. 

Hope you found this helpful!!

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